Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
QUOTATIONS, ETC. - Bobby Darling Duo
---Didn't know how to label this video or where it belonged. A collaboration without meaning to be. It came out different than I expected. I'll share it this way.
---It Only Goes To Show, ''You Can't Teach An Old Dog, New Tricks.''... Very Easily.
---YouTube Search - MrStrokeGuy.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
''NEW'' TURKEY BOXING - Bobby Darling
---Bobby says that the match on YouTube, is his toughest to date. All he can really say is that he plans on training harder, the next time. You will notice that he has the doctor virtually tag teaming, with him. But...to NO avail.
---Bobby Still Maintains The Turkey Boxing Championship For The Whole Eastern Seaboard of the USA. This Is Even With - ''El doctoro,'' Standing In At Times. To My Mind, I Think it May Have Been A Fairer Match, If The Turkey Wore Gloves, Too.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
''SUNDAY MORNING'' - Bobby Darling Duo
---(1973) The ''FRANCONIA NOTCH'' Band, Would Have Torn Up The Charts...provided we had made a 45. This song would have, probably, been the B-Side. This was BEFORE - ''The Bobby Darling Show.''
---Pictured: Little Ricky-like...maybe.
YouTube Search - MrStrokeGuy
Friday, September 19, 2008

---I am NOT a big fan of the show, American Idol...but these clips are surprising.
---INCREDIBLE! The Second Clip - Newly Added.
(Clips Contributed by - Armand M.)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
SATISFACTION - Bobby Darling 1988
Don Gray as Mick Jagger . I have written about Don G., and alluded to him. See an actual e-mail, I received from Don and Bobby D., about a month or so before Don passed on. He was aware of this. Bobby captured much of Don's wonderfulness on, ''TOUCH OF GRAY.'' Available on http://bobbydarling.com/. I highly recommend. Don teaches ALL of us what a little acceptance CAN DO.
---The E-mail. Follow directions when they appear. http://www.mediafire.com/?4kyrnlxzj2c,
That is Don Gray on camera and Bobby Darling speaking...off screen. This e-mail blew me away. I have said it before, but, RIP, Don.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The ''BIG'' BOPPER - Chantilly Lace
1985 - Bobby Darling Show. Little Ricky (Don Gray,) is there. Laurie Dearest is on bass. Of course, Dr. Divine was NOT playing with Bobby, as of yet. He joined 4 1/2 years, later. But...as a Special Guest, we have - The INCOMPARABLE, ''Perry Como,''...kind of.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008

---My name is Glaatu, of ''KNUCKLEHEAD'' THEATER fame. I use to be much, more anonymous and blend into the scenery...but now I'm stared at - wherever I go. People seem to recognize me...now. It must be the price of fame.
---I want to officially announce the opening of ''KNUCKLEHEAD'' THEATER, and I hope that the videos bring a smile to your face and a smorg of glutio to your hynigenus borcka. If it happens that way for you, and I hope it does, then walking and chewing gum at the same time will NEVER be a problem, again. You will be able to drive to the bank and play the radio. ALL WITHOUT HITTING A SINGLE PARKED CAR. The guys at AAMCO have practically guaranteed this, if I let them re-align my front-end. To be honest, I'm trying to figure out how a car can have a ''front'' end and ''back'' end. It doesn't sound right.
---Anyway...Remember to have fun at ''KNUCKLEHEADS.'' If something doesn't suit you, try something else. Always leave with a smile.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
GREAT BIG WORLD - Bobby Darling
Sound is Right - Picture is Correct!
Decided To Post - New Version!
I, almost, enjoy watching it myself!!
A CD Worth Having!
Make Good Choices.
I have learned that this YouTube is being watched in different countries...ALL over the GBW. NOT Kidding!
YouTube Search - mrstrokeguy
Thursday, May 29, 2008
DETENTION - Bobby Darling
Bobby's Latest YouTube. I am sure that neither of us spent a lot of time in detention, but Bobby was hands down the class clown...or school humorist, as he called himself. (It sounded as if the title was ''officially appointed,'' that way.)
It is refreshing to see that Bobby has, finally, admitted he has a problem with Magic Markers. It is 40 years, I know, but...a problem is still a problem.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
GLAATU Promotes ''BONGO'' Video -

An, ''I Think She Likes Me,'' Triangle
---I have been asked by Betty, to promote ''BONGO'S'' latest video. If I do it, then Betty won't think I'm jealous of her relationship to Bongo. I think she likes me, but I think she likes him, too. How can a space-alien compete with a gorilla?
---I am manager of ''KNUCKLEHEAD'' THEATER, but he says more relevant things, than I do. If only Betty would learn the cloystines of benazoprad...we'd have NO problem. What is a multi-dimensional bentoin, to do?
I Am NOT In This (Unfunny) Video - GLAATU!
(I Can't Wait Until it is Moved To - ''ALTERNATIVE'' THEATER, permanently.)
You Are Supposed to Laugh at least ONCE PER DAY. ''GLAATU.''
YouTube Search - mrstrokeguy
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The GLAATU SHOW - Bobby Darling Duo
Sound Needs Therapy! Tried Many Different Ways!
Franconia Notch (1973) was the Band Bobby and I were in before BDS. Bobby, Wrote, Sang Lead + Harmony (Overdub) and Played Lead Guitar on This Song. He May Have Invented The Lightbulb During Song, Also. Or, Was It - The Cotton Gin.
Bobby Could Multi-Task Way Before It Was Fashionable.
Pictures (2008) from The Blue Plate, Holden, MA. (Except the picture above. YouTube chose that.)
Here is the video...I uploaded to YouTube. Better Sound.
http://www.mediafire.com/?zt25c4iyc51, -
It's BACK!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
This, Type of Thing, Was Always Welcomed As Part of The ''ORIGINAL'' DUO, Also.
Video - 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
ALBERT BROOKS - The Tonight Show
Albert Brooks was a Bobby Darling Duo favorite!! We saw Albert, in Boston (Mid 70's.) He did Danny and Dave, the Ventiloquist Act, that night. READ MORE of The BDS DUO and Albert Brooks on BOBBY- OGRAPHY. http://considerthisplease.blogspot.com/
(Under DANNY and DAVE - The Ventriloquist Act, We...AHEM, borrowed..., but, CHANGED.)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
One Of The BEATLES Songs Bobby, Dinsdale and Myself...Used To Sing.
(More BEATLES Videos on ''The Peace Process'') http://considerthisas.blogspot.com
Monday, March 31, 2008
Bobby can play guitar - interesting. But,
I wonder if his ''new'' partner, can bang a tambourine with a stick?
---I was thinking back a bit, to the time we had a violin...and Bobby would PRACTICE. This was before The ''Original'' Duo, was up and running. I would play guitar while Bobby played violin. Mostly blues rifts. All I CAN SAY ABOUT THAT is...there is a very good reason why we NEVER did this on stage.
---Hmm! I wonder what Bobby and The Doctor, would sound like...if their roles were reversed, for a short time?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
ATHOLIAN MUSIC - Bobby Darling
This is one of Bobby's newer videos. It is a bit different than his others.
He is talking about Athol, MA.
RATED (PG - 10)
Friday, March 28, 2008
STUPID - Bobby Darling
The Nancy and Frank Sinatra CLASSIC.
When I First Saw This, I Started Adjusting My Speakers!
If The F-Word Offends You, Don't Listen.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
IT'S JUST A CAR - Bobby Darling
Bobby Darling first ''real'' music video (2007)
Song is heard on NPR's - Car Talk.
Title is a Metaphor.
(My UNBIASED ''REVIEW,'' on BOBBY - OGRAPHY. To Read - http://considerthisplease.blogspot.com, and Scroll. It is near the end, of the blog. Come back, though.)
Friday, March 14, 2008
GUITAR SOLO - Bobby Darling
(I saw him do this w/Dinsdale in late 1970's)
A Must See!!
A very poignant piece about the lore of the Village Idiot. He was usually among the most astute in town.
RATED (PG - 13)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I am sure we have ALL had an interview where we didn't know what to do, at times.
Tom Lehrer was known as a satirist. He was a Harvard mathematician who was famous during 50's and 60's. He was not someone you would see regularly on TV...though he made a few appearances. My landlady owned one of his records, so I am familiar with him...only a little. His material was a bit highbrow and inflamatory, for the television bunch.
Bobby Could Eat Anything and NOT Gain An Ounce...and So Could Bobby.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
COMEDIAN FOSTER BROOKS - Does His Drunk Routine (about 1975)
NOT FOR THE Politically Correct -
RATED (PG - 13)
(I was weaned on this kind of TV humor)
Monday, March 10, 2008
Bobby and Myself Watched Many Tomorrow Shows in the 70's. I Included This Clip, Because Tom Snyder Was Always Fun To Watch. His Guest is John Lennon.