Saturday, June 27, 2009

OLD CAPE COD - Bobby Darling


---This is my first video to make it over 1,000 views. It seems there are a few different Bobby Darling's around the world. I don't doubt that my Bobby Darling Duo videos were mixed in with the others. Neither of us, Bobby nor myself, speak the languages some of the videos are in. Congratulations to The ''Original'' Bobby Darling that I know and went to high school with. Good luck to the others, just on a matter of principle.

---We used to play on Cape Cod. Bobby used to live there. Cape Cod is the first place I saw The BDS play after I left the band. Little Ricky, (Don Gray), was on the drums. I thought they sounded very good. I think they started with the DOORs.

---Over 1,000 views on YouTube - MrStrokeGuy

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